var tpsH5fTpzL = 80; var dH5fTpzL =0; var hH5fTpzL =0; var mH5fTpzL =0; var sH5fTpzL =0; var timetmpH5fTpzL=0; var DspStrH5fTpzL =""; document.write(""); var idtimerH5fTpzL =setInterval('bigprismH5fTpzL()',1000); DspFmtH5fTpzL = "
For example, here you can say something like: \"Hurry up and order now! After the time is over, price will get twice higher! Instantly!\"
The timer can look like this:
%DAYS% days %HOURS% hours %MINS% mins %SECS% secs left!
or like this:
or even like this ;) :
It is fully customizable, you can make html code and insert there special merge words %.DAYS%, %.HOURS%, %.MINS% and %.SECS% where you want digits to be displayed. You can change colors, style, fonts, format, box size, everything!
Here you can add your order link, for example, with 50% discount. Order Now! Just $30!
After the time is over, this box will be replaced with another one that you predefine during installation of the script. Just wait a bit and you will see.
"; function bigprismH5fTpzL(){ tpsH5fTpzL-- ; timetmpH5fTpzL = tpsH5fTpzL; dH5fTpzL=Math.floor(timetmpH5fTpzL/86400); timetmpH5fTpzL=timetmpH5fTpzL%86400; hH5fTpzL=Math.floor(timetmpH5fTpzL/3600); timetmpH5fTpzL=timetmpH5fTpzL%3600; mH5fTpzL=Math.floor(timetmpH5fTpzL/60); timetmpH5fTpzL=timetmpH5fTpzL%60; sH5fTpzL=Math.floor(timetmpH5fTpzL); if(hH5fTpzL<10) hH5fTpzL = "0"+hH5fTpzL; if(mH5fTpzL<10) mH5fTpzL = "0"+mH5fTpzL; if(sH5fTpzL<10) sH5fTpzL = "0"+sH5fTpzL; DspStrH5fTpzL = DspFmtH5fTpzL.replace(/%DAYS%/g, dH5fTpzL); DspStrH5fTpzL = DspStrH5fTpzL.replace(/%HOURS%/g, hH5fTpzL); DspStrH5fTpzL = DspStrH5fTpzL.replace(/%MINS%/g, mH5fTpzL); DspStrH5fTpzL = DspStrH5fTpzL.replace(/%SECS%/g, sH5fTpzL); document.getElementById('H5fTpzL').innerHTML= DspStrH5fTpzL; if ((dH5fTpzL == 0 && hH5fTpzL == 0 && mH5fTpzL == 0 && sH5fTpzL == 0) || (dH5fTpzL < 0)) { DspStrH5fTpzL = "
Now, when time is over, the box gets replaced with this one.
Here you can add the timer with zero values:
0 days 00 hours 00 mins 00 secs left!
or remove it completely.
Now the link with full price will be displayed, in this case $60. Order Now for $60!
You can even place here the form for subscribing to your newsletter

and say something like: \"Still want to get our product with discount? Subscribe to our newsletter and if you are lucky you will get it.\" So, you've got new customer just now and new subscriber with credit card in hands. By the way, this is the exact way of how I build my mailing lists with really high response rate. :)
Do you see the power of this tool?
"; document.getElementById('H5fTpzL').innerHTML= DspStrH5fTpzL; clearInterval(idtimerH5fTpzL); return; } }